Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cat predicts death in U.S

Will you believe if a cat predicts the human death?, Are you surprised of this question? Yes a cat from U.S nursing hospital predicted 50 deaths till now. This cat's name is Oscar 3 years old. This cat predicts the death of patients in that hospital. Oscar sits with the patient and plays with them who is going to die soon. Oscar is taken care of Dave who is in working in that hospital.
One such incident:
In the hospital a patient was counting his last few minutes, Dave predicted that Oscar will sit with that patient but Oscar moved to the opposite bed patient and sat with him, Dave was sure Oscar was wrong suddenly they where taken aback as the patient in the opposite bed died.
Dave said that Oscar predicted its first death in his age of sixth month. There are no spiritual reasons behind this, Cats have strong smelling capacity so it predicts with the smell which humans are unable to identify.
Patients in their last few minutes get comfort and happy with the act of Oscar with them, they even thank Oscar for giving good time in their last few hours.

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